Monthly Archives: March 2019

Rod and his family, Jody, Anne and wife, Carol and Michael.

As I Knew Him–My Dad, Rod Serling

Written by his Daughter, Anne Serling

review by VJ Miller, Sr.

Cover of book, As I Knew Him--My Dad, Rod Serling, by Anne SerlingAs I Knew Him is not the biography of a man, rather, it is a Daughters vivid memories of a beloved Father. But for a fateful intervention during WWII in the South Pacific: the man would have ceased to exist, the daughter would not exist, this book would not exist, and the Twilight Zone would never have been.

As I Knew Him–My Dad, Rod Serling was published in 2013 but only came to my attention in the past few months. An oversight I regret because it delayed my learning so much.


“You’re traveling through a dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead—your next stop, The Twilight Zone.”

–Rod Serling

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