by VJ Miller, Sr.
The Writing Muse. What is it and can you train it. Mine, at least, must be female. Why, you ask? Because it’s so fickle, changes her mind, then changes it again then won’t talk to me for days and weeks on end.
Here’s the problem.
The writing Muse jumps into my mind at the most inopportune times when I’ve little time to be productive, then when I’m at the keyboard with all the time in the world she decides to go out for a long walk. And her step-brother, Ambition, usually decides to take a nap. What’s an author to do?
This doesn’t happen all the time but it occurs more often than is acceptable. I suppose it might have a little something to do with not having any deadlines to meet, or being in need of funds I potentially could earn if I actually sold something– ya think? But is that really my fault? Don’t answer that.
I suppose, if I could shut out all the other distractions she might be willing to get down to some serious writing. Then again, she hates to get down to any kind of serious research which really slows down the process.
What’s a writer to do when I have a clunky muse? Is there any place to trade in an old one for a new one, maybe pawned? Can they be reprogrammed, or are you stuck with the one you are born with?
So That’s the Dilemma,
Some may call it writer’s block but in some ways it’s writer’s indifference. Give your clunky muse a kick in the butt and get on with your scrivenings.
So many questions–so few answers–so little time. Oh well…
You can read a related post, Missing Inspiration, a Writers Lament.