by VJ Miller, Sr
Coming In 2025

After putting this saga on the shelf years ago I have brought it out once again to get it finished then published to an Indie company this coming Fall.
This story is told through dialog rather than simple prose. This means that there will be multiple POVs told through the eyes of the players. Prose will be kept to a minimum for descriptions, while the players move the story along with their voices.
Common sense tells us you should have only one POV, or an omnipotent one that relates the whole story with little dialog. I find that boring. Telling the story through the eyes of the players you gradually get to know who they are and what makes them tick.
This is a Science Fiction story while also a Mystery that is both dramatic but with its humorous notes. Clues are laid out and nothing is hidden. I hope it will stir your imagination.
Opening Scenes
“Get your butt out of there,” Dane Rush, 2nd in Command shouted into the communicator. “Forget the damn readings; they’re not worth throwing your life away or the landing party.”
“We have to get the remote sensors in place,” said, Jemm Sackson, The Geologist on the mission. “We’ll never get the chance again to record anything of this magnitude.”
“It’s too damn risky. We didn’t come halfway across the galaxy for this.”
“I know, I know,” she said. “But we—“
Severe Tremors deep in the crust of the planet caused her and the two crewmen assisting her to be thrown off their feet; tremors that were increasing in intensity by the minute.
“Jemm… Jemm, are you alright?”
“I’m still here,” she said once she got back to her feet, “That was a big one.”
“You’re taking too much time. Leave. NOW.”
“This is my life’s work and I’m not going to miss this chance.”
“That’s not our mission.”
“ALL RIGHT… all right; just a few more minutes.”
“You don’t have that long. Get in the shuttle and get out, now.”
Again, the surface of the planet was rocked with an ever-increasing set of tremors; the crust showed signs of cracking and rising.
Capt Cheevers, who had just returned with his party from the far side of the planet, strode quickly onto the bridge. “Why hasn’t she lifted off yet?”
“Your dedicated geologist wants to record as much of the incident as she can.”
Cheevers yanked the communicator from Rush. “Jemm. Get your ass out of there now.”
Tense seconds and dead air slid horribly by as smoke and tremors overtook the landing craft until—
“We’re finished here and we’re leaving.”
That’s the last thing they heard. From the viewer they watched helpless as the middle third of the northern-most continent on the strange planet heaved and was thrown high into the stratosphere. Huge chunks of planetary crust rained down like small asteroids into the two oceans on either side of the continent. More fell onto the area north and south.
Smoke, rock, dust and steam thrust high into the ionosphere then shot round the planet at ballistic speed. Within a handful of minutes most of the planet became shrouded in dust and ice particles; totally obscured.
Oceans held back by now crumbling shorelines poured into the void. Icy water hitting hot magma had its explosive effect sending massive billows of super-heated steam, ash, and chunks of rocks higher and higher.
Aghast, the bridge crew was stunned into stony silence
Slamming his fist on the console Capt. Cheevers could only mutter, “Damn.”
The Main Players & Their Mission
Two years out from home the hyper-ship, Searcher, on its 10-year mission, with a crew of 30, is continuing its quest throughout the galaxy to find planets with similar conditions as their own. Captain, Rikard Cheevers is on his first mission in Command; Second officer is CDR Dane Rush. Engineer is Lt CDR Warren Patel along with Dr. Odel, MD and surgeon; Science Officer, Lt. Maj Alan Bronsen; and Geologist, Lt Jemm Saxson.
The Planet
Planet of Statues is the story of the hyper-ship, Searcher and its crew who are on a deep space survey mission to find planets similar to their own home world for either colonization or a source of elements they can exploit. The one caveat; any planet with intelligent life or what may evolve into such life must be avoided.
Their search finds a world of great promise; it is lush, green and devoid of any populace… but is it really? Sonar scans discover that what was thought to be mountainous terrain is actually toppled over buildings covered by deep vegetation, possibly thousands of years old. But where are the people who built this infrastructure, why did they abandon it? That’s the mystery, one which could be deemed a murder mystery. The planet itself is on the verge of destruction and time is limited to unravel the mystery. And what is the biggest mystery of all that is touched upon in the final analysis?
Coming this Fall in E-Book
Further reading as to how and why I wrote this story
©2024 VJ Miller, Sr. Fair use rights with attributes are implied