Tag Archives: Mystery

Voice Before Facts When Writing

by VJ Miller, Sr.
Planet of Statues cover
Issue #2

Why Voice before Facts? As I zero in on the final chapters of my next book, Planet of Statues, I stand at 40k words; where it will top out is beyond me right now. Planet of Statues is the second book in the series, Realms Uncharted Presents. Iā€™d planned on a one story per issue format of 18 to 20k words; something easy to read in one sitting. As has happened in the past, one of my stories has taken on a life of its own. One short story, Beware the Pedaler, was planned to be only 8 to 10k but finally topped out at 18k. My novel, Mask of the Crime Czar I expected to be around 60k actually ended up with 85k.

Planet of Statues is the story of the hyper-ship, Searcher and its crew who are on a deep space survey mission to find planets similar to their own home world for either colonization or a source of elements they can exploit. The one caveat; any planet with intelligent life or what may evolve into such life must be avoided. Continue reading Voice Before Facts When Writing

Realms Uncharted Presents

by VJ Miller, Sr.

Announcing My New Ongoing Series

Realms Uncharted Presents #1 - Project Ares
First issue

First from Kindle and soon after in PB from CreateSpace

The books will run under the banner of Realms Uncharted Presents. Each book will contain one novella of 18k to 20k words. Most readers will be able to finish each book in a short afternoon.

My plan is to offer each book on a semi-monthly basis; sooner if the demand is there.

Named for my website, www.realmsuncharted.com the story inside could be a Thriller, Action Adventure, Mystery, or Space Opera from another world ā€“ another dimension ā€“ or another time or any combination of the above. Continue reading Realms Uncharted Presents