Tag Archives: Observation

Everything Happens For A Reason

by VJ Miller, Sr.

Reader Discretion is Advised

Probably the most overused and abused cliché; the catch-all advice of the clueless.  “Everything happens for a reason…”  I am so fed up with hearing those words when the speaker(s) can’t or won’t search for a better phrase to use.

What does this cliché do?

It lets you off the hook when the listener is seeking some sort of answer or measure of comfort from their woes. Continue reading Everything Happens For A Reason


The Writing Muse–Humor at My Expense

by VJ Miller, Sr.

The Writing Muse. What is it and can you train it. Mine, at least, must be female. Why, you ask? Because it’s so fickle, changes her mind, then changes it again then won’t talk to me for days and weeks on end.

Here’s the problem.

The writing Muse jumps into my mind at the most inopportune times when I’ve little time to be productive, then when I’m at the keyboard with all the time in the world she decides to go out for a long walk. And her step-brother, Ambition, usually decides to take a nap. What’s an author to do? Continue reading The Writing Muse–Humor at My Expense